Content Management - Adding Regions
Each business with an account has access to the content management system. There are five subscription options for the business account holder.
They are the Basic, Plus, Standard, Advanced and Professional options. Each option gives the account more possibilities and marketing options.
Each account holder can manage several businesses through one account.
Safe and Trusted Canada uses a content management system for business account holders. There are 13 different tabs available to the business account holder, and depending on the subscription level of the business, determine what tabs are available to the business.
The third tab, Regions, is available to all subscription types. This video explains how a business owner can add content to this tab. See the video.
Each province or territory has a list of locations. Each province starts with the largest city listed first, with the capital city listed second. The exception to this rule is Ontario, where Toronto is the capital and the largest city. All other locations are in alphabetical order.
Some locations may seem less significant because they are small in size, but surrounding the location may be a significant farming population where the citizens need contractor services. Contractors can then indicate that they provide their services to those areas. An example of this is Saskatchewan.
Each business will be assigned a location based on the physical location of the business. The business will be assigned to the closest trade area available if no current location is assigned.
The Basic and Plus subscription allows only one trade area. Premium subscriptions allow five for the Standard, ten for the Advanced, and twenty for the Professional subscription. There are options to purchase more locations for the premium subscriptions.
A business such as a contractor must ensure they meet or will meet licensing requirements for any location they assign to their profile.
The business that wishes to draw customers to its location can do so without a problem if they keep its locations within a one-hour drive from its physical location. The location should be in the same province. Exceptions to this rule are locations that border two provinces and the Atlantic provinces.
The extra locations can be a great asset in heavily populated areas of Canada or in less populated areas if the business is a contractor.