Content Management - Managing Reviews of Your Business.

Each business with an account has access to the content management system.  There are five subscription options for the business account holder.  

They are the Basic, Plus, Standard, Advanced and Professional options.  Each option gives the account more marketing possibilities. 

Each account holder can manage several businesses through one account. 

Safe and Trusted Canada uses a content management system for business account holders.  There are 13 different tabs available to the business account holder, and depending on the subscription level of the business, determine what tabs are available to the business. 

The thirteenth tab, named Reviews, is available to all subscription types. 

A customer of your business can leave a review about your business.     The business gets an email about the review and can then manage it in its content management system. 

The business account holder determines what to do with the review.  If the person doing the review is not a customer, then the business owner can ask for the deletion of the review.  The person can always use other review sites to leave a review about the business. 

If the person doing the review is an actual customer, the business owner can respond to the review and post the review.  The account holder can also talk with their customer and look for an immediate resolution of the issue if the review is negative.  If the review is negative and the business does not respond, the review is stored and is part of the aggregate score for the business.  The content of the review is not made public.   A person can always use other review sites to leave a review about the business. 

If the review is positive but has been completed by someone actually from the business or connected with the business, then the account holder can delete the review.   The site prohibits reviews from those connected with the business, which violates our site policy and can cause an alert and cancellation of the business account.  

If the business is an Information Only profile and there is no account holder for the business, then no reviews are posted, good or bad, by Safe and Trusted Canada.  The review will still have an aggregate score,   The business can respond to reviews as soon as they apply for a Basic Subscription which is free of charge. 

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Safe And Trusted Canada, Digital Marketing, Saskatoon, SK Nettwo Solutions Inc., Web Design, Saskatoon, SK
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