Content Management - Add Review Sites

Each business with an account has access to the content management system.  There are five subscription options for the business account holder.  

They are the Basic, Plus, Standard, Advanced and Professional options.  Each option gives the account more possibilities and marketing options. 

Each account holder can manage several businesses through one account. 

Safe and Trusted Canada uses a content management system for business account holders.  There are 13 different tabs available to the business account holder, and depending on the subscription level of the business, determine what tabs are available to the business. 

The fifth tab, Review Tabs is available to all tabs except the Basic Subscription. .  This video explains how a business owner can add content to this tab.   See the video.

Safe and Trusted Canada has a list of over 50 review sites.  These review sites have information about the business even if the business has chosen not to be part of the site. 

Information Only profiles will have all review sites displayed for consumers.  The Basic Subscription continues to allow this to occur.  All other paid subscriptions allow the account holder to choose what is available to the consumer.  The exception is Google and Better Business Bureau.  Those review sites will always show on the profile as they are prominent information to the consumer. 

Please note that if Google shows that the business is manipulating reviews by hiring or paying people to give positive reviews or if reviews are done by people connected with the business, account access is denied. 

Further, if the business has an F-rating with Better Business Bureau, account access is denied.  

If a business already has account status and develops concerns with Google or Better Business Bureau, then the account manager will need to correct the problem or lose account status.

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Safe And Trusted Canada, Digital Marketing, Saskatoon, SK Nettwo Solutions Inc., Web Design, Saskatoon, SK
Safe And Trusted Canada BBB Business Review